Music Performance Agreements – Legally, What You Need to Know

Performing music live is a prime objective of many artists. The performance may be a one-off show at a local bar, part of a tour, or a corporate gig. The variabilities of artists’ performances and the related business considerations are vast. Whether you are the artist, represent the venue, or are the event operator (in […]

Annual General Meetings in Canada and COVID-19

Annual General Meetings in Canada

Annual General Meetings in Canada and COVID-19 – Introduction Annual General Meetings in Canada (“AGM”) are a requirement for both Federal and Provincial Corporations. Physical distancing in the time of COVID-19 has left many Ontario corporations wondering how and when they should proceed with their annual meeting. Generally, the Business Corporations Act (Ontario) (“OBCA”), requires […]

COVID-19 Killed My Tour – Rights and Obligations – Part 2 – Partners

Cancelled Tour – Rights and Obligations: We all want to limit health risks at home and in the communities that we visit on tour. As we consider the effects of COVID-19 on the live music industry and our individual roles, here is part two of a series of blogs to address some considerations likely on […]

Force Majeure – What you Need to Know

Force Majure

Force Majeure & Current Events: We all have many questions as we grapple with the sweeping effects of COVID-19 on our professional and personal lives. Many may find it difficult or impossible to perform their contractual obligations given the restrictions imposed in response to the outbreak. If COVID-19 makes it impossible for you to perform […]

COVID-19 Killed My Tour – Rights and Obligations – Part 1 – Venues

Tour – Rights and Obligations.

Tour – Rights and Obligations: Introduction Tour – Rights and Obligations. We all want to limit health risks at home and in the communities that we visit on tour. As we consider the effects of COVID-19 on the live music industry and our individual roles, here is part one of a series of blogs to […]

Canadian Music Law: Most Favoured Nations

Most Favoured Nations

Your 3 Favourite Letters as a Canadian Musician: MFN MFN stands for Most Favoured Nations. Most Favoured Nations, in the context of music, has nothing to do with the Olympics, Canada Day or international travel. Within the music ecosystem, it means equality, essentially receiving the same treatment as others. Here are some examples of scenarios […]

MATH is a Musician’s Friend!

Math is a Musician’s Friend Math is a Musician’s Friend. Well, math should be a musician’s friend. Unfortunately, like many people, some musicians are afraid of math. This fear ends NOW… or at least at the end of this article. Get excited. “Knowing math, much like knowing ANYthing else, is empowering. The truth is, making a […]

SoundExchange for Canadian Musicians – Being a Musician is a Business

SoundExchange For Canadian Musicians

SoundExchange for Canadian Musicians – Introduction SoundExchange For Canadian Musicians; have you heard of it, but are not entirely sure what it’s all about, or what you should be doing about it? Are you reading about it because, as was reported on May 15, 2017, it bought CMRRA (Canadian Musical Reproduction Rights Agency)? Who They […]

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